21-Year-Old Program and / DayTime Activity
La Clé des Débrouillards
This program, funded by CIUSSSE-CHUS, offers daytime activities to adult users in order for them to maintain their acquired knowledge skills. Schedule Monday to Thursday, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
The key to the success of La Clé des Débrouillards? It’s about living real life, like everyone else! On the program: a mix of activities and accountability in the activities of daily life (kitchen, grocery store, house keeping). We also focus on physical exercises and relaxation, indoors and outdoors. In addition, we work in a workshop on self-knowledge and other skills, skills development, self-determination, stress and anger management, compliance with regulations and social skills. In short, we will not only pick strawberries but we learn how they are grown, harvested, cooked… which gives us positive feedback from parents who see the evolution of their children. The activities offered are varied, rewarding, stimulating and our personalized and flexible approach makes everyone happy.
We are also recognized for our involvement in the community and partnership with other community organizations:
- Maison des Aidantes et des Aidants de Brome-Missisquoi : who are kind enough to welcome us for activities such as Karaoke, picnic…
- Sûreté du Québec : visit of an agent for the presentation of her profession and to do prevention.
- Le Champ de la Voisine to which we offer our help for the cultivation and harvesting of garlic and garlic flowers.
- In 2019, we participated in the project « Dévisage-toi » created by Gabrielle Charbonneau, created by the Mouvement d’art positif and Cowansville City. The participants, who were all very proud of them, touched us by their great opportunities.
- Watch video MAP Dévisage toi FINAL
- Watch video Nous sommes les mêmes
- In early 2020, a very exciting new project by Gabrielle Charbonneau was started: « Mannequin d’un jour ». We used the clothes of Cowansville’s « L’Atelier de Récup ». Participants were asked to choose clothing styles, pick up the right clothes from the shop and participate in the photo shoot.
- Le Sac à Mots: with whom participants learn French and math at their own pace. Another activity ” Ma carte et moi” was really interesting to physically appropriate our neighborhood and our living environment. In 2020, our participants worked at the Bouquinerie, every first Monday of the month. They prepared the notebooks of new participants, arranged the books in alphabetical order, sorted the new arrivals. In 2022 we have a project to create a comic strip.
- October 2022: start of a new 6-month health project. Thanks to a grant from Zone Loisir Montérégie, our participants were able to train at Gym Énergie Sud in Cowansville.
- Watch video Gym 2023
- December 2023: food delivered to the Centre d’action bénébole in Cowansville. A beautiful note was also given by our participants to underline the exceptional work of these kind-hearted people, who make such a difference in these difficult times.
All of these activities allow participants to integrate well into our community, learn, socialize and evolve as individuals.
Large containment COVID-19
In order to support our participants and their families during this exceptional time, our special care teachers have developed an innovative project, the presentation capsules of interactive and occupancy activities put on our Facebook platform every week: https://www.facebook.com/apphbmdebrouillards
We are very proud of our special care teachers who care about the wellbeing of the vulnerable people in our society.
Respite is a time of rest granted to natural families + RTF (ressources de type familiale).
The program includes physical, recreational and educational activities, adapted to the aptitudes and needs of each participant. Our aim is to promote personal development and fulfillment on a number of levels: autonomy, personal hygiene, social skills, daily tasks, emotional management, etc. An average of 10 participants attend each week. The daily program includes a group discussion period, relaxation time, physical activity, socialization games, educational activities and various workshops.
From September 2023 and on, we will alternated holding 2 adult respite and 2 youth respite (ages 6 and up) per month.
Our participants are always happy to get together on Saturdays for activities. They build up a fine network of friendships, and develop social and interpersonal skills that will serve them well for the rest of their lives. It’s a place where they can be themselves and at the same time be “like everyone else”.
School activities / 12-21 years old
As part of the « Programme de soutien financier au service de surveillance d’élèves handicapés âgés de 12 à 21 ans » the APPHBM has received a grant from the Ministère de la Famille since October 2013. Today’s parents need to be able to work, knowing that their child receives all the attention they need for their safety and development.
After-school day care
Daily after school – 3:45 p.m. to 5:45 p.m.
Students attending schools in the Brome-Missisquoi area and even Granby can benefit from the service, regardless of their school board. It is possible to use adapted transport. On the program: help with homework as needed, various activities.
Pedagogical days – Spring Break
9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Our goal is to capture the interest of the children by offering fun activities according to the theme of the season: pumpkin decorating, texture games, finding hidden objects, making decorations and small Christmas gifts, painting on canvas, crafts, making scarves, greeting cards, ball games, board games in groups or individually…
Special outings are also on the menu : apple picking, mini-farm, trail walking, bowling, swimming pool, restaurant, Motion Parc évolutif, Granby Zoo…
The specialized day camp – summer / 12 – 21 years
Monday to Friday – 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
It is thanks to grants from Ville de Cowansville, Ministère de la Famille and Emploi Été Canada that we can offer our specialized day camp. Each year there is a theme with various learnings, experiences, physical activities, educational and fun. We go to the beach and the pool when the weather is nice and on Fridays, several outings are planned, for example: Motion Parc Evoluti, Montreal Science Centre, Granby Zoo, Bedford agricultural exhibition… A BBQ closes the season.
Our camp is therefore a great opportunity for young people to move, learn, grow, make friends, while having a framework adapted to their needs.
In addition, parents can benefit from a la carte service that allows them to choose the days they need.
Multi-sensory room
Completely soundproofed, this space immediately invites you to relax. The benefits are many: it strengthens brain connections, promotes concentration, learning, socialization and communication. It prolongs attention spans, tactile, sound and visual tolerance in a non-threatening way. It also helps people respond appropriately to sensory stimulation (self-regulation). To this end, a card is completed to identify the client’s requirements which are : visual, olfactory, auditory, tactile, proprioceptive and vestibular senses. People can choose what suits them best: a bubble tube with padded base and unbreakable acrylic mirrors, installed under a ceiling where lightness floats; an infinite multi-panel where colors never seem to end; a suspended chair where you can stretch out surrounded by multi-colored fiber optics to manipulate. In addition, a cute little cube placed under a light panel for language stimulation with microphone is accompanied by a multi-effect mirror. With its many possibilities, our participants have access to a calm and peaceful place where they can recharge their batteries.